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BROTHERS autism social enterprise 
Meet our Base Artists
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In the Groove Drumming Workshop
Acrylic Art and Ceramic Workshop[s]

Although I am not autistic myself, my brother has been diagnosed with Asberger’s Syndrome, and only recently got his diagnosis at 25. I have been diagnosed with Dyslexia from University, so there is a thread of neurodivergence in my family.


Since graduating from the University of Ulster in 2004, I have worked with various organisations facilitating visual arts-based workshops.


I feel that painting is a visual language, it is a means of communication. In my workshop I encourage the participants to use a range of tools and materials, and even their hands/fingers if they feel the need to, it is an excellent sensory experience, and the mark making can be quite immediate and fast drying with acrylic paint.

Any arts-based activity, especially with autistic adults is extremely beneficial in terms of helping with focus and concentration. The tactile nature of applying paint or working with clay is particularly therapeutic and can relax participants.

My aim is to provide a safe, inclusive space whereby participants are encouraged to be expressive.

Poetry Writing Workshop

I have taught English to autistic teenagers in ordinary mixed-ability classes in a mainstream school, and enjoyed that challenge, as although those students were all different, as individuals are, their ways of thinking made me invent new ways of approaching my teaching. I've also led a one-off primary school poetry workshop which included one autistic boy. I have never run a workshop exclusively for autistic people. I have run poetry workshops for adults, open to the public, where anyone can join.

I'm a poet. I've been writing poems since the age of nine because poems always seemed a bit magic to me and offered a way of exploring experience that need not match the accepted view. I have three poetry collections and am working on a fourth these days. It is essential for my happiness that I keep writing as it helps me make sense of life. Not to write is for me is painful, not using a vital faculty, as if my own thoughts were forbidden to me. The thrill of it is in the flow state of making a poem. The next good thing is to find a poem has reached a reader and connected with their sense of life.


For people who want to try writing, the benefits are huge. Autistic people I have met often have a sense of discomfort at not getting through to others, so I feel a poetry workshop might help with that communication, especially as you can be as offbeat as you like in poetry and nobody minds. In fact, it's usually an advantage. Things like spelling and punctuation, which make lots of people nervous, just don't count. It can be a boost to morale to find that other people like the things you write, too.

Mervyn and Sam
Photography Workshop

Bio to follow ... 

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Hillas and Co.
Circus Skills Workshop [Circusful]

I began my circus journey many years ago (mid 1990's) by joining a partner acrobatics class in my college. It is still the skill I enjoy the most - although I have gone on to learn many, many others. 


While not having a diagnosis of ASD myself, I have friends who do have diagnoses, and I have worked with several individuals and groups with ASD.

Here at Circusful, we concentrate on meeting people where they are, allowing people to be themselves - and challenging them to try things they might not have imagined possible for themselves. We help people to achieve and embrace their failures as part of the learning process - Try, Fail, Grow!

Candle Making Sensory Workshop

Okay, so, maybe on this occasion no introduction is necessarily required, however, our very own 'David' will be facilitating his sensory evoking 'Candle-Making Workshop' as part of our BASE 'Understanding and Expressing Autism through the Arts' group


“I have been making my own homemade Beard Wax and Oils for over 5 years now, and for over 1 year also making colourful organic scented candles - which is a very similar process ”

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“I believe the art of candle-making allows for the opportunity to explore our visual and olfactory sensory processing capabilities”


“The process is quite methodical and structured approach, requiring focus of attention; however, additionally leaves room for plenty of creativity”

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Drama Improv Workshop

"I've been performing and teaching improv for close to a decade, after taking classes when I lived abroad. I love the playfulness of it, and how it taps into people's innate creativity!

 Improv workshops are worthwhile purely for the joy that comes out of them, but they are also a great space to support and develop some key communication skills - such as listening - as well as helping to bolster self-confidence."

"Plus there's lots of anecdotal evidence (and some research) that suggests that improv skills can help folks with social anxiety." 


"I have a few friends with autism diagnoses, and have worked with many autistic students over the years. I'm looking forward to delivering this workshop!"

Interested in facilitating your art workshop at BASE?!

Click 'Contact Us' and select 'Apply to become a BASE Artist' from the drop-down list. 
BROTHERS | training programmes social enterprise [Base - Grant awarded by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive] are looking to create a pool of local artists in the Greater Belfast area; who have an autism diagnosis [or sibling of] and/or another form of neurodiversity, to facilitate your art activity as part of our 10 week 'Understanding Autism through the Arts' programme, alongside CPD accredited training provided by BROTHERS | training programmes - commencing early 2024

Company Number 


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