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autism spectrum

BROTHERS autism spectrum training programme Northern Ireland

Make contact today to discuss your business's needs; BROTHERS | autism spectrum training programme aims to exceed your expectations:


Whatever the size [small, medium, or large] or type of your business or group [local, national, or global], BROTHERS autism spectrum CPD accredited training programme can be tailored and adapted to meet the specific needs and desired outcomes of your organisation, providing attendees with a better understanding of autism conditions. Is your organisation equipped to provide equality of opportunity for individuals with autism; i.e., employees, customers, clients, etc.?


Contact us today to discuss how BROTHERS training programmes can help support your employees best meet the needs of individuals with autism; to help create a fully inclusive business for employees with autism, or/and your customers and perspective clients/service users.


The current estimated prevalence of autism within the school aged population in Northern Ireland was 5.0% in 2022/23, with more and more people being identified with the condition, leading to greater numbers of people being diagnosed due to the excellent research on autism. A new generation of people with autism has arrived! - How many customers, clients, or potential excellent employees is your business missing out on due to a lack of understanding of autism? 


Only slightly >20% of adults in the UK are in ANY form of paid employment, with many on Zero Hour contracts, or minimum salary. Many individual adults with autism display an incredible skill set of attributes and behaviours that many employers not only seek, but actually could benefit from in further developing their business. A better understanding of autism can help your organisation benefit from this largely untapped resource! 


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